In Conversation With…Nina


Tea or coffee?

Tea. Always.

What song should people listen to after reading this?

Something that will excite them more than these answers. The theme tune to Succession.

Favourite childhood TV show?

This is a tough one, I can’t really decide. I will tell you that the theme tune to Round the Twist and Sleepover Club plays on repeat in my mind. A great childhood show.

Work you’re most proud of?

A cliched answer but I’m proud of all the work I’ve been involved in so far.

It is an incredible thing to be involved in bringing someone’s vision to life. I say I am proud of all the projects I’ve been involved in because they’ve all taught me something. The challenging ones taught me how to be better at my job and the easy ones taught me why I fell in love with it in the first place.

I am proud that I am a tiny part of a phenomenally creative and talented bunch of individuals who trust me enough to work by my side to bring this new slice of art into the world. Maybe I’m most proud of getting to work with them.

What makes you happy?

Guitars, Flight Radar and the instagram “Zillow Gone Wild”

Do you have a favourite joke?

– This is one for the intellectuals –

What is the difference between empathy and apathy?

I don’t know and I don’t care

Tip for anyone looking to be a Producer?

Don’t focus on what you don’t know, focus on what you can do. Skills you can learn, but attitude, passion, and hard work will help you go the distance

“Just Do It” – Shia Le Beouf

In Conversation With…Louise


Tea or coffee?

Tea – marbh le tae marbh gan é.

Which film have you seen more than any other?

UP – Love a good Disney / Pixar movie. 

Do you have a signature dish (to cook)?

Taco’s! I love Mexican food, I even have my own tortilla press. 

Work you’re most proud of?

Producing and acquiring the funding for two short films: An Gadhar Dubh and Memento Mori, both had successful festival runs too. 

What is your earliest memory?

Playing on the beach with my Twin sister, we literally lived on the beach when we were young. 

Tip for anyone looking to work in VFX?

Be patient, discipline and hard work will help you progress. Learn as much as you can from your leads and supervisors. Teamwork is so important as you will always be a part of a team.

Favourite thing about working remotely?

Being closer to nature and living in a Gaeltacht area. 


Windmill Lane VFX Work

In Conversation With…Gina

Tea or coffee?       

Definitely Coffee!

What would you call your autobiography?

I didn’t do that, Did I ?

Favourite travel destination in the world?

New York City

Do you have a favourite joke? 

This wouldn’t be my favourite joke but it’s up there!!

If you love something, set it free

If it comes back, it’s yours

If it doesn’t, it never was.

And if it just sits there on the sofa, watching TV,

Unaware that it’s been set free,

You probably married it or gave birth to it.

Were you ever starstruck?

No never

What’s your favourite film?  

I don’t have a favourite film but I have to admit I have watched The Snapper and My Cousin Vinny many times!!!

In Conversation With…

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The fact that every day is different. Colour Grading can be pretty consistent depending on the tools that you use and how one works, but what makes it different every day is the source material that comes in as every DOP shoots in their own unique style and every Director has a different vision for their work. Which means that one has to approach each day with a fresh start.

Whose work do you admire and why?

There are many DOP’s, Director’s and Colorist’s whose work I admire but I can’t single any out – as each project is different and some projects appeal to me and some don’t even if I admire the previous work of those involved.

What is your career advice for people looking to work in Colour / Grading?

I would say – it is always evolving and that one never stops learning. So don’t think that you know it once you have learnt how to use the technology involved – as that is just the starting point.

What work are you most proud of – while working at Windmill Lane?

There have been many jobs that I have been especially proud of over the years. A few spring to mind such as ‘Leviathan’, ‘Murphy’s Law’, ‘The Lonely Battle of Thomas Reid’. But there are many more from; commercials, to music videos, to drama series, and feature films that have been a great experience and I am proud to have worked on.

Favourite ever film and why?

This is a difficult question to answer as there is not just one film that I can say is my absolute favorite. Certain films over the years stick with me for various reasons but at the heart of it my favorite films are the ones that I  remember when and where I first saw them and how much I enjoyed them then and still do now. 

I am going to give you a list of five that spring to mind:

A Room With a View’

‘The Lives of Others’


‘The Big Blue’

‘All The Presidents Men’

Dave Hughes LinkedIn

Dave Hughes IMDB

Dave Hughes Instagram

In Conversation With…

Tea or coffee?
The thought of a morning coffee with Gina is often the only thing that gets me into the office some days!

What song should people listen to after reading this?
Teenagers – My Chemical Romance

Favourite childhood TV show?
The ’92 X-Men animated series! Best Theme Tune in cartoon history

Work you’re most proud of?
My Little Pony: A New Generation will always have a special place in my heart. I’ve loved animation since I was a kid so getting to do an animated feature is a massive tick on my bucket list.

What makes you happy?
Dogs with their own Instagram

Do you have a favourite joke?
Dublin’s Rental Market

Tip for anyone looking to be a Producer?
Your team is your most valuable resource and has the knowledge you don’t. Make sure to ask them questions.  You can never ask enough questions. If you think you’ve asked too many, ask one more just to be safe.

In Conversation With…

Tea or coffee?

Iced oat milk latte please

What scares you?

Death. It’s grim but it terrifies me.

Work you’re most proud of?

Three Music campaign in 2018/2019. I was an Account Manager at the time, not a Producer but it is still my favourite piece of work I’ve worked on.

Do you have a favourite joke?

Here’s a riddle instead. 

What starts with T, ends with T, and has T in it?

Favourite social channel?

Hmm, I hate to say it but I do lose hours of my life watching dog videos on Tik Tok.

Tip for anyone looking to work in Film & TV?

Be curious. Hard work and the right attitude will get you far. Attention to detail is key. A thick skin is also needed at times. Remember to enjoy the process!