
BING, the highest rating children’s TV show of the 2020 lockdown, follows the adventures of a young pre-school aged rabbit, bursting with enthusiasm, who often gets into minor scrapes that result in him learning a lesson about a basic aspect of toddler life.

He’s always accompanied by his guardian, Flop, a small stuffed animal who calmly and quietly imparts life lessons to Bing whenever he screws up (which is often), along with delivering the show’s catchphrase: “It’s a Bing thing!”

The Number 4/Audio team worked with director Nicky Phelan and the team at Brown Bag Films to bring to life the creation of writer/artist Ted Dewan, who first appeared in a popular series of books before moving on to an equally popular TV series for the BBC’s pre-school channel, CBeebies.

Production Company: Brown Bag Films, Acamar
Director: Nicky Phelan

The Windmill Lane Team

  • Re-Recording Mixer: Dominic Lawrence and Mick Creedon
  • Sound Editors: Sol O’Carroll, Conall O’Brien, Jordan Mullen, Richie Naughton
  • Post Co-Ordinators: Deborah Doherty, Sinead Brady